The Power of the Pen: How Writing Can Help Manifest Your Dreams

2 min read

When we physically write something down, we engage our minds and bodies in a deliberate and intentional act. This act of writing can help to clarify our thoughts and desires, as we put them into words on paper. It allows us to focus our minds and create a tangible record of what we want to achieve.

Discipline vs. Motivation: Why Discipline Is the Key to Success!

2 min read

While motivation provides that initial spark needed to start, it is discipline that will push us forward when things get tough & provide the structure needed for long-term progress.

Confidence Controls Performance – Exploring the Connection Between Confidence and Performance

3 min read

When people are confident in their physical & mental abilities, they have more control over situations which leads to better performance. Confident people tend to take risks, challenge themselves, and push through difficult situations to succeed

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