In the modern world, we are often overwhelmed with external stimuli. We are constantly bombarded with sound, smells, auditory, & visual distractions from our daily lives. This means that our brain is constantly interpreting these stimuli, which can lead to overstimulation, & physical & mental fatigue. Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) is a method of therapy that uses physical isolation to help us disconnect from the sensory overload of our environment. One form of REST is Flotation Therapy, which involves floating in a shallow pool that is filled with water and Epsom salts. This therapy has been used for decades to reduce stress, improve physical and mental health, & even boost performance
What Is Flotation Therapy?
Flotation therapy is a type of REST therapy where an individual enters a lightless, soundproof tank filled with saltwater and floats weightlessly on the surface. It is designed to eliminate any external distractions while providing an environment that allows your body to relax both physically and mentally. As you float in the tank, you can focus on your breathing & body. Many choose to sleep & or meditate to reach deeper levels of relaxation.
The Benefits of Flotation Therapy
There are numerous benefits associated with flotation therapy, including improved sleep quality, reduced anxiety, decreased muscle tension, enhanced athletic performance, and better cognitive function. Studies have also shown that regular sessions in the flotation tank can provide relief from chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, and more. Regular sessions may even lead to improved cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure levels over time.
In addition to physical benefits, there are also mental benefits associated with flotation therapy such as improved moods and increased creativity. The deep relaxation achieved during sessions can help clear your mind and allow you to think more clearly about problems or issues in your life without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by them. Clearing your mind & fully relaxing can also help enhance visualization & focus for improved performance. In fact, many professional athletes use flotation therapy to help prepare themselves both mentally & physically for big games & matches. Furthermore, regularly floating can also help reduce symptoms associated with depression or anxiety disorders by providing a safe space for reflection without any distractions or intrusive thoughts getting in the way.
If you're looking for a way to reduce stress levels while improving your physical health, mental health, & even your performance, then flotation therapy might be just what you need! This unique form of therapeutic isolation provides numerous benefits including improved sleep quality; lowered anxiety; reduced muscle tension; better cognitive function; enhanced athletic performance; relief from chronic pain conditions; improved moods; increased creativity; reduced symptoms associated with depression or anxiety disorders; clearer thinking; and more! If you’re located in the Ohio, West Virginia, & Pennsylvania area & want to experience flotation therapy for yourself, check out Thrive Wheeling! It's the only place I float!
Have you ever done flotation therapy? If so, what was your experience like? Let me know in the comments!
Check out the research & read more about flotation therapy below!
Stress Management
Chronic Pain Management
Athletic Performance
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