Cryotherapy: The Cool Way to Optimize Recovery and Enhance Athletic Performance

3 min read

Cryotherapy is a technique that involves exposing the body to extreme cold temperatures for a short period of time. This technique can help athletes reduce inflammation and pain, speed up recovery, boost endorphins, and enhance performance. Cryotherapy can also provide additional benefits such as improved sleep quality, increased metabolism, improved immune function, and reduced muscle soreness.

Win the Z's, Win the Game: The Power of Sleep in Athletic Performance

3 min read

Sleep plays a vital role in athletic performance, as it affects a wide range of physiological and psychological processes. Here are some of the ways sleep impacts athletic performance

Red Light Therapy For Optimized Health, Fitness, & Performance

4 min read

Red light therapy has been gaining popularity as a tool for improving fitness, health, and performance. This non-invasive therapy uses red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular function and promote healing and recovery.

10 Powerful Ways An Infrared Sauna Can Enhance Your Health & Fitness

3 min read

The infrared sauna is one of my top go-to wellness modalities I use to enhance my health, fitness, & performance. Traditional saunas have been used for centuries in various cultures around the world, but today many athletes and fitness enthusiasts like myself are turning to infrared saunas to enhance their health and fitness