May 25, 2023 3 min read

Every step we take, our feet touch the ground and feel the earth underneath. It’s a sensation that most of us, who regularly wear shoes, have become disconnected from. As we embark on the journey to improving our health, fitness, and performance, could returning to our roots and training barefoot provide us with some surprising benefits? The answer, quite possibly, is a resounding yes.

Introduction to Barefoot Training

Our ancestors spent their lives barefoot, roaming the Earth's diverse terrain, and our feet have evolved to function optimally without shoes. Barefoot training, sometimes called natural training or minimalist training, is a growing trend in the fitness community, embodying this principle.

This style of training challenges you to exercise without the support and protection of footwear. It could involve running, weight training, yoga, martial arts, or simply walking — the aim is to reawaken the sensory feedback loop between your feet and the ground, enhancing your body’s natural biomechanics.

Optimizing Health

Improving Balance and Posture

By removing the cushion and artificial support of shoes, barefoot training forces your feet to engage fully with the ground, firing up the often-dormant muscles in the feet and lower legs. This increased engagement promotes better balance, posture, and alignment since the body has to compensate less for the artificial tilts that most shoes provide.

Reducing Risk of Injury

Over time, regular barefoot training may lower the risk of common injuries. When shod, we’re more likely to land heavily on our heels during high-impact activities like running — a gait pattern that can lead to injuries such as shin splints, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis. Training barefoot encourages a more forefoot or midfoot strike, spreading the impact more evenly and reducing peak pressures.

Enhancing Fitness

Strengthens Lower Leg and Foot Muscles

The foot is a complex structure containing more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Barefoot training helps to strengthen these often neglected muscles, which can translate to increased overall lower body strength, better stability, and enhanced agility.

Greater Energy Efficiency

Preliminary research suggests that barefoot running may be more energy-efficient than shod running, possibly due to a combination of altered gait dynamics and less weight from not wearing shoes. While more research is needed in this area, it indicates that going barefoot may have benefits for improving fitness performance.

Boosting Performance

Enhancing Proprioception

Barefoot training enhances proprioception, our body's awareness of its position in space. This can lead to better coordination and movement efficiency, vital factors in any athletic performance. Enhanced proprioception can also contribute to faster reaction times and improved balance, both crucial elements in many sports.

Better Ground Reaction Force

Training without shoes can result in better understanding and utilization of ground reaction force — the force exerted by the ground on a body in contact with it. By training barefoot, athletes can learn how to better harness this force to improve speed, power, and performance.

Caveats and Precautions

Despite its benefits, barefoot training isn't for everyone, and it's not without risks. Always consider your own individual needs and circumstances. Transition slowly, starting with low-intensity, low-impact activities to give your body time to adapt.

Also, always prioritize safety. Be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards such as sharp objects. If you're exercising in a public gym, check their rules on footwear. Many gyms require shoes for safety reasons.


Barefoot training offers a plethora of benefits, from improving balance, posture, and strength, to minimizing the risk of injuries, enhancing energy efficiency, and optimizing athletic performance. It's about re-establishing a connection to our body's inherent knowledge and capitalizing on the innate capabilities we often overlook.

However, it’s important to approach this practice with mindfulness and patience. Transitioning to barefoot training requires time, adaptation, and a heightened awareness of your environment. With these considerations in place, barefoot training can become a powerful tool in your fitness arsenal, helping you unlock a new dimension of health, wellness, and performance.

Rekindle the primal connection with the Earth beneath your feet. Explore the liberating, grounding, and transformative potential of barefoot training. Feel the power, seize the control, and embrace the natural strength that has always been within you. Let your journey to optimum health, fitness, and performance start from the ground up.

Brad Becca
Brad Becca

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