December 28, 2022 3 min read

Plyometrics is a form of training that has been gaining popularity in the fitness industry. It’s an effective way to increase your strength, agility, speed, power, and coordination. It is often used by athletes to improve their physical performance; however, even those who are not professional athletes can benefit from this type of training. Let’s look at the basics of plyometrics and how you can use it to maximize your fitness and performance.


What is Plyometrics?

Plyometrics is a high-intensity form of exercise that focuses on developing explosive power for sports movements such as jumping, sprinting, throwing, or striking. It uses quick bursts of exercise movements that involve both eccentric (stretching) and concentric (contracting) muscle actions. This type of training helps to improve muscle strength, agility, speed, coordination, and reaction time which all contribute to improved performance in sport or physical activity. Plyometric exercises typically involve jumping or hopping onto objects such as boxes or stairs while maintaining proper technique and posture throughout the movement. Other examples include squat jumps, tuck jumps, skater hops, lateral bounds, depth jumps etc. All these exercises are designed to help athletes develop power through explosive movements that recruit large number of muscle fibers during each repetition. Plyometrics helps you become stronger faster than traditional weightlifting exercises by engaging more muscle fibers at once.


Benefits of Plyometrics Training

Plyometrics has been proven to be beneficial for a variety of athletes in different sports due to its ability to increase strength, power, speed and agility. It also aids in improving an individual’s overall muscular endurance and coordination while decreasing their risk of injury due to overtraining or improper movement patterns. Additionally, plyometric exercises can help improve balance and stability which are essential components for anybody looking to maximize their performance in any activity.


Getting Started with Plyometric Exercises

When getting started with plyometric exercises, it is important to start slowly and build up intensity over time as your body adapts to the movements. I like to begin by teaching the individual how to properly absorb force using exercises like depth drops. Start with simple ground-based bodyweight exercises such as pogo jumps before progressing onto jumps and bounds using boxes or platforms as needed. Once you have mastered the basics, try adding dumbbells or medicine balls into your routine for additional resistance and challenge. Finally, make sure that you are allowing enough rest between sets so that your muscles can recover properly before doing another set of repetitions. When doing intense plyometrics, such as max effort vertical jumps I like to rest 2-4 minutes in between sets. Good rest periods will ensure that you are getting the most out of your plyometric training sessions without putting too much strain on your body. 


Plyometric training offers a range of benefits including increased strength, power, speed and agility while also reducing the risk of injury due to improper movement patterns or overtraining. When done correctly it is an effective tool for optimizing athletic performance regardless of if you're an amateur or professional athlete looking for an edge in competition or someone just looking for an effective way to get fit fast at home! Remember that when beginning any new workout routine, it's important to start slowly and build up intensity over time so that you don't injure yourself or burn out too quickly! With proper execution anyone can maximize their fitness & performance with plyometrics training!

Brad Becca
Brad Becca

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