January 31, 2023 4 min read

Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you reach your goals. Whether it’s running a marathon, getting in better physical shape, or becoming more productive in the workplace, self-discipline is an invaluable skill that can help you succeed. Cultivating & building self-discipline can be difficult, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can start to develop this important skill and make progress towards your goals. Here are ten powerful ways to build self-discipline to help you reach your goals.

1. Build Awareness & Assess Yourself: Building awareness is the first step to building discipline. You have to be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, & lack of discipline before you begin to build. However, if you're thinking about building discipline, then you're probably already aware that there are one or more areas of your life that need improvement. If you can't pinpoint where you need to build discipline, assess yourself & take note of your typical day by asking yourself these questions; What am I thinking? What am I doing? What am I feeling? Are my thoughts, actions, & feelings aligned with who I want to become & where I want to be?

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Health, Fitness, Discipline, Mindset

2. Set SMART Goals: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. Setting SMART goals helps you stay motivated and on track by providing structure and focus. When setting your goals make sure they are specific so that you know exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish. Make sure the goals are measurable so that you can track your progress towards them. Make sure the goals are attainable so that they push you but don’t overwhelm or discourage you from achieving them. Finally make sure the goals are relevant and timely so that they align with your life goals and timeline.

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, SMART Goals, Performance, Fitness, Discipline

3. Create A Plan of Action: Once you have identified your SMART goals, create a plan of action outlining how you will approach achieving them. This should include specific tasks that need to be completed each day to stay on track with your progress. Make sure these tasks are realistic and achievable so that they don’t become overwhelming or too difficult for you to complete daily. This plan will serve as a roadmap that will guide your journey towards success.

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Action Plan, Performance, Fitness, Discipline

4. Create A Routine: One reason why people find it difficult staying disciplined is because of how long it takes to develop a habit. Habits take time to form. Performing a ritual & or a series of actions daily will help you stay disciplined even when times get tough! For example, one of my daily routines is that I take my supplements every single morning upon waking. 

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Health, Fitness, Discipline, Mindset

5. Establish Accountability: It’s important to have someone who can hold you accountable when it comes to achieving your goals. Having an accountability partner can help ensure that you stay focused on what needs to get done each day for you to reach your objectives. This could be a friend, mentor or even an online community of likeminded people who share similar goals as yours and are also striving for success.

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Accountability, Performance, Fitness, Discipline

6. Take Care of Yourself: Self-Discipline is worthless if you're killing yourself trying to build it. Make sure you intentional about taking care of your mind, body, & spirit! It's easier to stay motivated & focused when your body, mind, & spirit are healthy!

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Health, Fitness, Discipline, Mindset

7. Reward Yourself: Rewarding yourself after accomplishing small steps along the way can help keep momentum going towards reaching any larger objective or goal. This doesn’t necessarily mean something extravagant but rather something small such as taking time out for yourself after completing a difficult task or buying something nice after meeting an important milestone. Doing this helps reinforce positive behaviors associated with self - discipline while still allowing us to enjoy some of life’s pleasures along the way!

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Mindset, Discipline, Fitness, Health

8. Focus on One Task at a Time: Focusing on one task at a time will help keep yourself focused and increase productivity when working towards reaching any goal or objective. Multitasking can be tempting but often leads to decreased productivity as attention gets divided over multiple tasks instead of being devoted to one task at hand until completion or satisfaction with progress is reached.If needed break down large projects into smaller tasks to work through each step systematically instead of trying to tackle everything all at once. This strategy will help ensure greater productivity when working towards any goal or objective.

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Mindset, Discipline, Fitness, Health

9. Resist Temptation & Control Your Environment: Research shows that your environment can influence your behavior dramatically. Throughout your journey's it's likely that you will encounter temptations (situational, people, etc). These obstacles could potentially lead you astray if you don't resist them. Possessing the will power to resist can help you stay focused & achieve your goals faster. It's also important to create an environment as conducive to success as possible so try your best to eliminate the temptations. For example, if you're trying to eat heathy, don't buy junk food & keep it at home. 

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Mindset, Discipline, Fitness, Health

10. Visualization: Your brain doesn't differentiate between what's real & imagined. When you imagine something so vividly, your brain chemistry alters as if you've actually experienced it. This is why visualization is extremely important! Your mind is a magnet & the law of attraction is real! Visualizing positive outcomes & success leaves you with the positive feelings associated with positive outcomes & success. 

Brad Becca, BB Athletics, Mindset, Discipline, Fitness, Health

Self-discipline is an important skill that anyone looking for success should cultivate and use in their day-to-day life, whether it’s working towards physical fitness or professional development – having self-discipline goes a long way! The ten methods outlined above can help anyone begin their journey towards successful goal achievement – so make sure to put them into practice today! With dedication, determination, and hard work – you'll develop discipline in no time!

Brad Becca
Brad Becca


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